Clay Culture
Carole Crews has published the long awaited book Clay Culture: Plasters, Paints and Preservation. It’s now available on her site only!
Carole grew up in the Northern New Mexico culture where working with mud ( adobe, cob, or earthen building) is still very much alive. She shares the history of the area and her experience melding art and mud with over 25 years of professional experience and experimentation. In the true do-it-yourself spirit Carole wrote and designed the book her self. Offering a unique wealth of knowledge and collection of photographs.
I took a little excerpt from the book, since Carole is famous for her alis finishes…
Carole’s Favorite Alis Recipe
6 qt. batch ( ? 150 sq. ft.)
Measure one gallon water into a bucket
Whisk in 5 qt powered kaolin clay
2 qt fine sand and /or ( preferably) whiting
2 qt mica ( fine flakes or powder )
1 handful of chopped straw ( optional )
1 handful of mica chips ( optional )
Slaked pigment as needed for color ( optional )
1 qt. cooked starch paste ( wheat, rice or cornstarch ) or 1 cup casein or butter milk or a combination of binders